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Texas Transition Services 

What are Transition Services:

§300.43 Transition services.

(a) Transition services means a coordinated set of activities for a child with a disability that—

(1) Is designed to be within a results-oriented process, that is focused on improving the academic and functional achievement of the child with a disability to facilitate the child’s movement from school to post-school activities, including postsecondary education, vocational education, integrated employment (including supported employment), continuing and adult education, adult services, independent living, or community participation;

(2) Is based on the individual child’s needs, taking into account the child’s strengths, preferences, and interests; and includes—

(i) Instruction;

(ii) Related services;

(iii) Community experiences;

(iv) The development of employment and other post-school adult living objectives; and

(v) If appropriate, acquisition of daily living skills and provision of a functional vocational evaluation.

(b) Transition services for children with disabilities may be special education, if provided as specially designed instruction, or a related service, if required to assist a child with a disability to benefit from special education.

Texas Transition Student Centered Transitions Netwtork

The Texas Transition Student Centered Transtions Network website offers additional guidance and resources on creating new pathways for a successful adult life for students with disabilitites. 

Useful Resources:

Parent’s Guide to Early Childhood Intervention and Early Childhood Special Education 

Supporting Early Childhood Transitions

Texas Transition Next Steps to Independence Guide

TEA Texas Transtion and Employment Guide-English 


TEA Texas Trantion and Employment Guide-Spanish 

Transition Spanish


Texas Driving with Disability

The link below provide informtion about the Texas Driving with Disability program for student who: